
just a silly guy with silly dreams

But in all seriousness, My name is Ali. I'm a guy who happens to know a thing or two about computers. Currently, I'm learning front-end web development. My first Language was Java, though I didn't do much with it, mainly because that was what my university offered. Later on, I learned JavaScript, and then Lua(because neovim, of course). I kinda lost track of where I was when I fell into the Linux rabbit hole, but now I'm back on track and resuming my web develpoment journey.

What do you do?

I'm currently a student at Benghazi University.


There ain't much. I do gaming every now and then. I used to be interested in pixel art and am trying to rekindle that rusty old hobby of mine.

Here's a pic of my last piece of art from a couple of years ago:

biker pixel


As I mentioned before, I'm learning web development, and I feel like I'm at a point where I can pick a framework now. I think I spent enough time muddling with the html,css and js.
