Hello Cruel World!


Written by Rogue87.

Posted on Sat, August 3, 2024.

Smiley face

So what’s up?

There isn’t much. I’m just soo happy that I actually finished making the blogs page work :D

Initially, I wanted to use a headless CMS for managing my content, but turns out! I’m too poor to afford one, so I’m sticking with SSG for now. I also had the idea to use dev.to to make my blogs, but honestly I just want something that works, and simple.

once I’m satisfied with my website, I’ll finally start working on some REEEEEAAAAAAL projects. I’m also close to finishing this semester, so I’ll get more time to work on stuff.

Who are you?

Just a random webdev wannabe, but if you wanna know more about me, then check whoami page.

okay I really need to sleep, it’s almost 3am lol.